The Art of Patient Saving: Strategies for a 6-Month Sabbatical Fund

Our Journey: Why It Took So Long to Fund a 6-Month Sabbatical

We actually got engaged in Myanmar. She was pleased at the time, but I’m not so sure about nowadays…

Why Did It Take Five Years?

It often looks arse-puckeringly exorbitant too! (The house, not Mary-Ann.)

The Safety Net Plan

Reducing Monthly Costs

It’s a tenuous link to ‘reducing monthly costs,’ but I just find it funny. Let’s just say that between Mary-Ann and me, we created two days’ worth of sanding to get that wall flat again.

Keeping Sane and Content

Make Your Day-to-Day Fulfilling

Getting a high vantage point helps with spotting tasty street treats.

The Side Hustle Conundrum

A rather lovely trip to the ‘confetti fields’, made awkward and painful by the need to *shudder* ‘create content’.

In Summary

Stay bald folks.



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