Are You Fit for Travel?

I’m getting on a bit now.

A very unwise old man on a mountain, featuring crows feet and an odd beard flick.

Physical Fitness: What If I Haven’t Left the Sofa in Months?

How Fit Do You Need to Be?

The Influence of Influencers

Desperately trying to be fit or just desperately needing the loo… you decide.

The Basics

Walking in the rain happens too.

Getting wet

Chronic Pain or Injury: What About If I Am Broken?

The reality

Double bagging – front and back. That’s hardcore.

Let me give you a few (hopefully) relatable examples:

Managing your issues


Health Issues: Oi Baldie, I’m Just a Bit of a Sickly Person, Now What?

General Health Considerations

Digestive Issues

Probably the most cursed toilet I have found to date. Sadly, I did not have the opportunity to use it.

The Wonders of Antibiotics

Preventive Measures

Mega hydrated.


Stay bald folks.



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